
F.v. Catherine Wong, Ylva Liljeholm, Guido Erbricht och Christiane Thiel. Foto: Dok-Leipzig
F.v. Catherine Wong, Ylva Liljeholm, Guido Erbricht och Christiane Thiel. Foto: Dok-Leipzig






Ylva Liljeholm rapporterar att juryn för det ekumeniska filmpriset vid Dokumentär- och animationsfestivalen i Leipzig nu fattat sitt beslut om vinnare.

Priset går till den slovakiska filmen  Normalization av Robert Kirchhoff.
Juryns motivering:
” For a remarkable journalistic and artistic work about the unsolved murder of a young woman and a group of wrongly convicted men. But the film is much more than that. It shows that we can not escape history when we build our presence and our future,
The film leads us strongly to the biblical question of what is truth. In a personal way it is a matter of conscience, in society a matter of of legal responsability and justice and in a universal way it is a matter of how to be human.”
Ylva Liljeholm
Film på Gotland

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