Cape Nostalgia

Den Ekumeniska juryn, utsedd av SIGNIS och INTERFILM, vid den 38:e World Film Festival Montréal 2014, har för 36:e året i obruten följd delat ut sitt pris vid festivalen. Detta år heter vinnaren Cape Nostalgia (Fushigi Na Misaki No Monogatari) av den japanske regissören Izuru Naroshima.

Juryns motivering:

This is a gentle, high quality film about great moments of life – loss, love, friendship, and community in a Japanese coastal village. With humor and depth, the film celebrates humanity quietly and serenely. The photography is excellent, the direction assured and the film well balanced. In its conclusion, the movie moves away from nostalgia to embrace life.

Särskilt omnämnande fick filmen Melody av Bernard Bellefroid (Belgien/Frankrike/Luxemburg).


A struggling young woman decides to become a surrogate mother, and she is accepted by a businesswoman, who has longed for her own child. The film explores sensitively the different facets of motherhood and affirms strongly the importance of bonding and maternal commitment. The movie has quality direction, dialogue and acting.

Juryn i Montréal 2014:

Karin W.Achtelstetter, Toronto (Kanada/Tyskland), Denyse Muller, Arles (Frankrike, juryordförande), Peter Sheehan, Brisbane (Australien)samt Tony Spence, Washington DC (USA)

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