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Utbytesprogrammet Ung i den världsvida kyrkan

Utbytesprogrammet är ett samarbete mellan Act Svenska kyrkan och Svenska kyrkans stift och församlingar runt om i Sverige.

  • Anne Falk

    Going back home

    Its been 3 weeks but it still feels like yesterday when we were saying goodbye at Arlanda Airport with tears flowing on our cheeks.  Being home feels so good its back to reality. It is good because people have not seeing me for 3 months so everyone is asking a lot of questions about my…

  • Anne Falk

    Waking Up from the Longest Dream and the Learnings from Sweden

    Through the Young in the Worldwide Church Program, I was flown into a new society and culture. And as I reckoned my story was similar to that of Dorothy and his friends in the tale, “The Wizard of Oz.” Unexpectedly, these were things that out of the blue just came out like fresh wild flowers…

  • Anne Falk

    Världens Fest Special Blog

    Celebrating the Grandeur of Helping Humanity Through the grand chorale and orchestra, the three-day Världens Fest opened with a musical concert depicting Church of Sweden’s international work through the decades. International work for the Church of Sweden has been a tradition imbedded in this church across borders. During the three days in Karlstad, discussing the…

  • Anne Falk

    Friendship and Home Feel Inspires Youth to Get into the Circle

    It is so uncommon for young people to engage or even get near the circle of church groups nowadays. This does not only exist here in Sweden but it has become a worldwide trend. There’s a possibility that this was actually the “not so good effects” of media, social networking sites and globalization, things which…

  • Anne Falk

    Holding Fast to the Tradition of Educating People

    For the Church of Sweden, educating people is more than a form of service to the community but a continuing tradition of nourishing not only the soul through God’s Word but the human body and mind as well. Thus, a holistic trend of education can be seen evidently pursued in most parishes. In retrospect, Church…

  • Anne Falk

    Candles, Gestures and the Unique Features in the Liturgical Celebrations of the Church of Sweden

    At the first service I attended in the Church of Sweden, my eyes were captured by the numerous Candles (Ljus) lit inside the house of worship. Back in my church, it was enough to light at least two candles during the Mass but here, candles can be seen around the altar and for some, spread…

  • Anne Falk


    HON SA DET; TIDEN FLYGER NÄR MAN HAR ROLIGT! I remember when they told me I would be going to Sweden, I was so excited! Oh I needed this break, it came at the right time. But it’s 3 months! Ok, it’s not long… then I said, 13 weeks, it’s not that bad, but 88 days, it…

  • Anne Falk

    Swedish Morality can be at Par with Christian Values

    “Refrain from prejudice” was the focus of a priest’s enlightening reflection for the exchange program participants at the middle gathering. The phrase was a profound reminder on how a participant for this exchange program should perceive matters or else, the experience will all be put to vain. Statistics says that the Swedish society has gone…

  • Anne Falk

    Time really flys when you having fun!

    Oh my word were do I start…? We have been in Sweden for about  8 weeks now and it has been an exprience of a life time. Adapting to the culture has both been challanging and easy. My head is buzzing with so many thoughts and idea one thing that strucks me about  the Church…

  • Anne Falk

    11 Interesting Things for the Second Month

    There was a bit of hesitation when I was about to write this blog. In the process of choosing a preferred title, I was about to point out a dozen of interesting things but in the end, I only got 11. Then, I realized that I’m coming up with my eleventh blog which is a…