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Utbytesprogrammet Ung i den världsvida kyrkan

Utbytesprogrammet är ett samarbete mellan Act Svenska kyrkan och Svenska kyrkans stift och församlingar runt om i Sverige.

  • Anne Falk


    During the move i experienced so  many feelings at once.  Moving from the first host congregation was a Little sad because when we arrived there they said that I am part of the family not just a visitor.  When coming to my host family really felt like their child, it was great being part of the…

  • Anne Falk

    Of Hellos, Getting to Knows and Goodbyes

    Hej! A common greeting for people of all ages in Sweden and it reminds me of how I was introduced to my first congregation in Vårby Gård Kyrka of Sankt Mikaels Forsamling in Stockholm Diocese. Greeting Swedes would be normally done with a handshake but apart from the gestures, there is a must do. While…

  • Anne Falk

    Intertwined Web of Experiences (Mid-Gathering Blog)

    Upon arrival in Sigtuna folkhögskola, I suddenly felt like I’m home seeing the program coordinators and my companions in this exchange program. The gathering signaled the end of my stay at the first congregation in Stockholm Diocese. Mixed emotions, was the phrase that best described how I felt throughout the day. As expected, the feeling of…

  • Anne Falk

    Holy Week Pilgrimage in Sweden

    Pilgrimage is described as “a journey to a holy, special and unusual place.” Some may name places like Jerusalem in Israel, Taize in France, Santiago de Compostela in Spain or Fatima in Portugal where pilgrims normally flock to enrich their faith. My stay here in Sweden is a faith journey and experiencing how the Church…

  • Anne Falk


    It’s becoming more colourful with flowers and trees oh what a beautiful nature. I have never seen people so excited about spring but I guess they should because their winter is long and very cold. They say to know that when spring is here you will see by the blue little flowers. They take pictures…

  • Anne Falk

    Sweden and Philippines Differ in Focus on a Common Christian Celebration

    “Glad Påsk!” For a week now, I have heard for a couple of times people greeting each other: ““Glad Påsk!” (“Happy Easter!”) I was a bit surprised with the exchange of greetings when for me it was yet too early because before the Resurrection day, Christ’s death will still be commemorated on Good Friday. In…

  • Anne Falk


    Oh my God it’s a month now in Sweden, where do I start? Coming here was a bit scary since it is my first time away from home and the first time I have gone so far. Asking myself so may questions; how will I cope, but hey, guess what? All is perfect from the first day…

  • Anne Falk

    Church Goes Deviant, Grooves with the Youth yet Abides with Christ’s Mission

    I arrived in a castle-like church to attend a gathering of young people from Stockholm Stift (Diocese). Upon entering the majestic Sofia Kyrka, located on a hilltop, I began to hear an unusual sound from the church’s interior. The sound was familiar and it was the type of music played in party houses back in…

  • Anne Falk

    Walking in the Land of the Vikings (A Round-up Blog for my First Month in Sweden)

    The cold weather woke me up one rainy morning and as I looked on my schedule for the day, I realized that it’s been a month since I stepped in this land where the Vikings originated.  It was in high school when I first heard about the Vikings through my World History class. They were…

  • Anne Falk

    A Church Breaking the Bread for the World to Share

    Despite the challenges of a declining membership along with countless problems arising due to its existence in a highly individualistic society, the Church of Sweden has become stronger in its commitment to share the bounty of resources to people from other nations. Through the work, it has realized the real purpose of being the Church…