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Anne Falk


Albogast är en av årets internationella deltagare från Tanzania. Här delar han med sig av vad han upplevt och lärt under sin tid i sverige. Albogast har fått uppleval livet längst upp i norr efter en tid i Hortlax församling och befinner sig just nu i Västerås stift i Grengårdens församling. Han upplever att myckert av den svenska kulturen, våra vanor och vårt sätt har haft inflytande på honom. Vårt sätt att se på tid, att klä oss, att hälsa på varandra liksom vår strävan efter att leva jämlikt mellan könen är alla saker som han nämner i sina reflektioner. Han skriver att han upplevt stor vänlighet från människor hanträffat och att han kännt sig trygg och säker tackvare handledare och vänner . Just vänskap har fått en större mening i Albogast liv – han menar att resan har förändrat betydelsen av vänskap i hans liv och han känner sig stärkt och glad!


After arrived in Sweden i started experiencing and learn different things that i hope will help in the future life in my family, home, church and the nation at large. These things are as follows.

1. Time or punctuality. i learn to be punctual everywhere i was needed and this has change to be one of my behaviors that i thought it will work all my life under the sun. This comes when different people told me about the advantages of time in our day life.

2. New traditions and customs these include language, dressing, greetings, dancing, worshiping and games , i felt strong feelings with joy and happiness when i was able to speak few words from Swedish, play games like kicking, skiing and driving snow mobile which was a very interesting game to me.

3. Gender equality within the society. This was through the division of work within the family, church, where both men and women and the society in general. All gender worked equally without separation of work that can be special for women and men.

4. Building new skills and knowledge on how to run daily life in my family and the society in general. For example budgeting, interacting with people in the society, helping people, telling someone the truth when he/she do something wrong in the society, taking care of individual and social properties.

5. Weather and climate change, being in Sweden weather was a big challenge to me due to snow and very cold weather especially in the Northern Part of Sweden (Hortlax) where i was in my first congregation, i thanks Carina who was my supervisor who play a big attention and take care of us from being affected by very strong cold so as we can keep on working with social and church activities in a such weather environment.

 6, ”A friend in need is a friend indeed” by referring to that proverb it is true that i have learn what is the meaning of friendship in my life, This come after having different friendship from my fellow participants, coordinators, supervisors, families and the society. This will help me to keep updated from different part of the world

7. Not list but last is Kindness among the people (Swedish) that we visited them and interact them in their homes during either dinner, lunch, FIKA, hotel and public institution like schools and universities. Not only that but also those whom we lived in their families, all takes care of us as if we are among the children of those families, this make us feel free to do and ask whatever for our program.

These are the few things i have learnt and experience during my stay in Sweden in the Parishes of HORTLAX (LULEÅ) and GRENGÅRDE( VÄSTERÅS).


/Albogast Mpambala


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