Ett litet hej!
Hej, Mitt namn är Beatrice Ronsten, 19 år gammal och jag kommer från Stenkumla församling i Visby Stift. Precis som Torbjörn är jag en utbytesdeltagare som om en vecka (exakt en vecka idag faktiskt) sätter mig på planet till Sydafrika. Vi fyra som åker till Sydafrika är pionjärer, eftersom Sydafrika är ett nytillskott i UIDVK-familjen.…
Äventyret väntar runt hörnet!
Vi har sagt hejdå till den internationella utbytesgruppen som förgyllde sverige med sin närvaro under hela hösten. Deras resa avslutades med en fantastisk vistelse i Karlstad under Världens fest! Årets svenska grupp är nu äntligen samlad och under juni månad gick de sin introduktionsutbildning. Nu väntar språk- och avresekurs i Uppsala och där efter bär det…
Going back home
Its been 3 weeks but it still feels like yesterday when we were saying goodbye at Arlanda Airport with tears flowing on our cheeks. Being home feels so good its back to reality. It is good because people have not seeing me for 3 months so everyone is asking a lot of questions about my…
Time really flys when you having fun!
Oh my word were do I start…? We have been in Sweden for about 8 weeks now and it has been an exprience of a life time. Adapting to the culture has both been challanging and easy. My head is buzzing with so many thoughts and idea one thing that strucks me about the Church…
During the move i experienced so many feelings at once. Moving from the first host congregation was a Little sad because when we arrived there they said that I am part of the family not just a visitor. When coming to my host family really felt like their child, it was great being part of the…
It’s becoming more colourful with flowers and trees oh what a beautiful nature. I have never seen people so excited about spring but I guess they should because their winter is long and very cold. They say to know that when spring is here you will see by the blue little flowers. They take pictures…
Oh my God it’s a month now in Sweden, where do I start? Coming here was a bit scary since it is my first time away from home and the first time I have gone so far. Asking myself so may questions; how will I cope, but hey, guess what? All is perfect from the first day…