Via Fredrik Wackå fick jag tips om den här Intranätschecklistan för pandemin. Vårt gemensamma intranät är ju inte tillräckligt utbyggt för att hinna med att göra någon nytta under den här pandemin, men det är intressant att se vilket plus det kan vara att ha ett intranät i situationer man inte har tänkt på det.
Business critical checklist:
1. Can staff access the intranet from home?
2. Do you have on line collaboration spaces and tools in place so that teams can continue to work?
3. Is your senior management team ready (psychologically and technically) to communicate to staff via blogs and on line chats?
4. Have you set up extranets or other online solutions with your key clients and your key partners so that you can continue doing business?
5. Have you equipped all your managers with smart phones?6. Do you have the means to send urgent messages to all managers? (text messages, twitter channel, …)
7. Are your critical HR processes on line so that staff can carry out their basic administrative needs without coming in to the office?
Läs mer på Globally local… locally global
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