Saligprisningar för Interreligiösa familjer

När den indiska teologen Astrid Lobo Gajiwala var på besök i Sverige och bland annat föreläste om interreligiösa äktenskap på Centrum för religionsdialog delade hon med sig av en parafras hon skrivit på Matt. 5:3-12; Saligprisningar för Interreligiösa familjer. Texten är skriven utifrån hennes egen erfarenhet av och reflektion över att leva i ett interreligiöst äktenskap.

Beatitudes for Interfaith Families (Mt 5:3-12)

Blessed are the interfaith spouses who aware of the limits of their individual spiritual
experience are open to the God-experience of their partners who belong to another
religion; they shall reign with God.

Blessed are the interfaith families who mourn because there is no room for them in
the religious traditions and families of their birth; they shall be comforted.

Blessed are the interfaith couples who in humility risk the darkness of moving with
the Spirit; they shall inherit the Earth.

Blessed are the interfaith couples who hunger and thirst for a communion that
respects and is enriched by the unique spiritual gifts each partner brings; they shall be

Blessed are the merciful interfaith couples who through the pain of their exclusion
labour to bring about the inclusive “Kin-dom” of God; they shall know mercy.

Blessed are the interfaith parents who dare to teach their children to centre themselves
on the ”I AM” who goes beyond all human boundaries and limitations; they shall see

Blessed are the peacemakers who offer support to interfaith couples and celebrate
God’s gift of love to them, as part of reconciling the whole world to God; they shall
be called daughters and sons of God.

Blessed are interfaith spouses when they insult you and persecute you and utter all
kinds of slander against you because you have married a person of another religion;
on you God’s favour rests. This is how the prophets who lived before you were

Astrid Lobo Gajiwala, Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection Vol. 62 (10): Oct 1998 p. 790.